To move to a lower class of ordered list class.
Minor Detail
Major Detail
Psychological Minor Detail
Major Detail
Social Minor Detail
Major Detail
Leave the list 'hanging' when opening nested list. <ol>
Close each list using the code below, only when the lists (all nested lists) are complete. </li>
Display size is determined by the heading markers here: <h2> </h2>
Here is the code template:
<h2>Benefits of Dancing</h2>
<p>Paragraph text here.</p>
<ol><h2><li>Physical</h2><ol type="a"><!-- 'hanging' </li> tag, closing tag not here! -->
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3><ol type="i"><!-- 'hanging' </li> tag, closing tag not here! -->
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li>
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li></ol>
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3></li><ul><!-- Here's the closing </li> tag -->
<h4><li>Minor bullet</h4></li></ul></ol>
<h2><li>Psychological</h2><ol type="a"><!-- 'hanging' </li> tag, closing tag not here! -->
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3><ol type="i"><!-- 'hanging' </li> tag, closing tag not here! -->
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li>
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li></ol>
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3></li><ol type="i"><!-- Here's the closing </li> tag -->
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li></ol></ol>
<h2><li>Social</h2></li><ol type="a"><!-- Here's the closing </li> tag -->
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3><ol type="I"><!-- 'hanging' </li> tag, closing tag not here! -->
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li>
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li></ol>
<h3><li>Major Detail</h3></li><ol type="i"><!-- Here's the closing </li> tag -->
<h4><li>Minor Detail</h4></li></ol></ol>
In the example, mixed unordered (bullets) with ordered (numbered) lists. The upper case Roman and lower case Roman types are also useful.
Bullet markers will default in order: disc (1st order), circle (2nd order), square (3rd order), or none (4th order). The order can be overridden by expressly defining the bullet marker:
<ul style="list-style-type:disc;">
The code above renders like this,
Benefits of Dancing
Paragraph text here.
- Physical
- Major Detail
- Minor Detail
- Minor bullet
- Major Detail
- Minor Detail
- Minor Detail
- Major Detail
- Minor Detail
- Minor Detail
✪ ✪ ✪
- MDN Web Docs, Mozilla Foundation The Ordered List Element
- w3schools, Refsnes Data Unordered List element (type)